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Elevate Your Tech
Journey with Expert
Cloud Solutions,
Inclusive Training

Strategic Consulting.

As industry leaders we empower individuals and enterprises with Top-Tier IT solutions that unlock the potential of individuals and enterprises alike, fostering a future where technology, innovation, and diversity thrive harmoniously.

techspace Expert
Kick-off: September 7th
Techspace systems' Team
Cloud solutions
Techspace Systems IT Training Program
Techspace Systems Consulting
Starting September 7th
Techspace Systems' Talent


We Unlock Your Potential & Transform Your Business

 Diverse Team, Collaboration & Tech Innovation

In the heart of technology evolution, Techspace Systems emerges as more than a company; it's a catalyst for transformative futures.


Our story begins with a profound purpose - to empower individuals and enterprises sustainably through cutting-edge IT solutions, from strategic consulting, comprehensive AWS offerings to expert training & redefining industry standards.


We believe in a sustainable future where technology not only drives excellence but also embodies inclusivity.

Our Services

We specialize in strategic consulting, delivering top-tier IT solutions, and providing comprehensive IT training programs.


From refining your business strategy to implementing cutting-edge technologies and empowering your workforce, we are your dedicated partner in navigating the ever-evolving tech landscape. Join us on a journey of empowerment, sustainability, and transformative success with Techspace Systems.

Our Process

Our approach is holistic, ensuring that every aspect of your IT journey aligns with your vision for the future.

1. Understand, Tailor, Integrate.

2. Customize, Elevate, Empower

3. Impact, Scale, Refine.

4. Support, Adapt, Refine 24/7.


Conduct a thorough assessment of current processes, technologies, and skills.


Tailor solutions and training programs to specific organizational needs.


Implement strategies and solutions with a focus on efficiency and scalability.
Continuous Improvement:

Continuous Improvement 

Provide ongoing support, refining strategies based on evolving business needs

We Take Pride in Our Expertise


Years of Experience


Business Partners


Products Installed


Countries Served


Industry Awards

Our Clients Say

tech space client happy about our services
Techspace Systems transformed our approach at Tech-Corp. Their tailored solutions and strategic consulting set us on a path for scalable growth. Ongoing support and adaptability make them our go-to for innovative tech solutions.

Robert Rose, Global Tech-Corp Executive

Our Experts

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Charles Suubi


  • Position: Networking and Linux Expert

  • Department: Training and Development

  • Location: Seattle, WA

Charles Suubi is the dedicated expert and instructor for networking and Linux at TechSpace. With extensive knowledge and experience in these areas, he leads training sessions and workshops to empower individuals with essential networking and Linux skills.

Our Partners

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tech space partner
tech space partner
tech space partner

Ready to Take Your Business to the Next Level?

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Want to see if we're the right fit to work together ? Schedule a quick 15 minute zoom-chat with Kika Gerald, to clear up any questions you may have

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